
Marvel: Did I reveal the plot? - Chapter 160

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Marvel: Did I reveal the plot?

Marvel: Did I reveal the plot? - Chapter 160
One day, when they were sitting in the courtyard of the temple, Yunhe suddenly asked, "Master, I have been thinking about a problem. If the purpose of our practice is liberation, should we pursue worldly things such as honor and wealth? Do these worldly desires get in the way of our spiritual path?

Chu Wei smiled and replied, "Yunhe, this is a very important question. Buddhism teaches us to transcend worldly desires, but it does not mean that we reject worldly life altogether. We can pursue honor and wealth while maintaining inner peace and non-attachment. The key is our attitude towards these things. If we pursue them for the benefit of others and practice, not out of greed and selfishness, then they will not hinder our path of practice.

Yun He thought for a moment and said, "Master, your words make me understand better. We can practice in our worldly lives and face the world with kindness and compassion, rather than being swayed by the world.

Chu Wei nodded and praised: "Exactly, Yunhe." Practice is not about escaping reality, but about finding inner peace and wisdom in reality. There will be many opportunities in our lives that we can use to practice our practice, whether it is to face challenges or enjoy happiness. "

The reputation of Chu Wei and Yunhe continued to spread, and their spiritual life became more fulfilling. One day, a young woman from afar, named Ming Yue, came to seek their guidance.

Mingyue knelt in front of Chu Wei and Yunhe and said earnestly: "Masters, I have always felt confused in my heart and do not know what the meaning of life is. I have heard that you are wise men who are willing to guide me and find peace of mind.

Chu Wei and Yunhe looked at each other, and then Chu Wei asked, "Mingyue, why do you feel lost?" Can you tell us about your inner confusion?

Ming Yue raised her head and burst into tears: "I have been pursuing power and wealth, but even though I have these, I still feel empty and lonely. I don't know what the meaning of life is, nor do I know how to find true happiness.

Yunhe said comfortingly: "Mingyue, your confusion is normal, many people have had similar experiences. The meaning of life is a profound question that is often not answered through worldly wealth and power. True happiness and contentment come from inner peace and wisdom. We can explore this question together and help you find the answer.

Chu Wei added: "Mingyue, practice is a path to find inner peace and wisdom. Through meditation and reflection, you can learn more deeply about yourself and find the true meaning of life. We are here to provide you with guidance and support.

Bright Moon's eyes flashed with hope, and she nodded her head to express her gratitude: "Masters, I am willing to follow your teachings and embark on the path of cultivation. I hope to find inner peace and meaning in life. With

the passage of time, Ming Yue, under the guidance of Chu Wei and Yunhe, gradually found inner peace and the meaning of life. Her path of cultivation was full of challenges and revelations, but Chu Wei and Yunhe were always by her side, providing her with compassion and wisdom.

One day, Akatsuki sits quietly under an ancient cherry blossom tree in the temple's garden. Chu Wei came over, sat next to her, and said gently: "Mingyue, your path of cultivation has been gone for a while, do you have any feelings or questions?"

Ming Yue responded with a smile: "Master, I feel more peaceful and peaceful inside. I began to understand that true happiness lies not in external material things, but in inner attitudes and wisdom. But I still have a question that haunts me – how to pass on this inner peace and wisdom to others?

Chu Wei nodded and replied cheerfully: "This is a kind and great thing, Mingyue." Transmitting inner peace and wisdom to others requires sincerity and compassion. First, listen to their needs and pains and understand their feelings. Then, share your practice experience in simple and clear language so that they understand the importance of inner peace and wisdom. Above all, lead by example and set yourself an example that demonstrates inner peace and compassion.

Mingyue felt deeply: "Master, your words made me understand better. I will continue to practice while trying to pass on my inner peace and wisdom to others and bring hope and inspiration to more people.

Chu Wei smiled and patted Mingyue's shoulder: "Mingyue, you are a kind and strong person, I believe that your efforts will bear fruit." The path is long and beautiful, full of challenges and wonders, but every step is worth it. "

Chu Wei and Mingyue's cultivation journey continued to deepen, and their friendship gradually deepened. One day, when Ming Yue was sitting in meditation, he suddenly posed a question to Chu Wei: "Master, I have been thinking about the suffering and injustice of the world. How do we view suffering and inequality in this world, and our responsibilities?

Chu Wei thought quietly for a while, and then replied: "Mingyue, this is a profound question. Buddhism teaches us to look at the suffering and inequality of the world with compassion and understanding. Suffering in the world is part of the cycle of cause and effect for all beings, but we have a responsibility to do our best to alleviate the suffering of all beings. This can be achieved by doing good, helping those in need, spreading compassion and wisdom.

Ming Yue thought: "But sometimes, it seems that we can't change the injustice in the world. I felt helpless.

Chu Wei nodded and said sympathetically: "Yes, there are some things that we can't completely change, but we can change our attitude and behavior. If everyone can treat others with kindness and compassion, then we can create more harmony and happiness on a micro level. At the same time, we can influence wider society and promote positive change through education and the spread of wisdom.

Ming Yue nodded in understanding: "Master, your words make me understand better. We can't change the whole world, but we can start with ourselves and contribute to a better world.

Chu Wei smiled and said, "Mingyue, your comprehension is very profound. Practice not only for one's own liberation, but also to help others out of suffering and distress. Let us work together to improve the world with compassion and wisdom. "

The spiritual life of Chu Wei and Ming Yue continues in the temple, and the temple is also full of peace and wisdom because of their presence. One day, an elderly monk named Huizhao came to Chu Wei Temple, who had been practicing on the path of Buddhism for decades, bringing with him profound spiritual experience and wisdom.

Huizhao and Chu Wei sat together and began a deep conversation. Hui Zhao said, "Chu Wei, I heard about your practice with Ming Yue and your efforts in helping all sentient beings. You are the rising stars of the temple.

Chu Wei responded modestly: "Master Huizhao, you have passed the prize." We are simply following the teachings of the Dharma, seeking inner peace and wisdom.

Hui Zhao smiled and said, "Young man, your path of cultivation is still very long, but I hope to share some of my years of practice experience. In Buddhism, inner peace and wisdom are very important, but there is also a key element, and that is compassion. Compassion is at the heart of Buddhism, and it is the way to give back the fruits of practice to sentient beings.

Ming Yue asked curiously, "Master Huizhao, can you explain in detail the role of compassion in practice?"

Hui Zhao replied, "Compassion is our deep understanding and compassion for the suffering of all living beings. When we have compassion, we focus not only on our own liberation, but also on the happiness and suffering of others. Through compassion, we can better help others, alleviate their suffering, and enable them to embark on the path of spiritual practice.

Chu Wei nodded in agreement: "Compassion is indeed an important part of Buddhism, and it can help us build deeper connections and create a better world together."

Hui Zhao smiled and said, "Exactly. Chu Wei, Mingyue, keep compassion in mind and integrate it into your practice. It is only when we not only pursue our own liberation, but are willing to help others liberate, that practice can truly have profound meaning. "

Under the guidance of Chu Wei, Ming Yue and Hui Zhao, Chu Wei Temple became increasingly prosperous and harmonious. Practitioners and devotees come from all over the world, and the temple becomes a sanctuary for the soul. However, the temple also attracted a lot of jealousy and disputes.

One day, a young practitioner who called himself Yu Bo came to Chu Wei Temple, he thought highly of himself and prided himself on his wisdom and spiritual achievements. He claimed to challenge Chu Wei and Huizhao to prove that his Dharma insight was the highest.

Chu Wei sat down in the main hall of the temple, and Yu Bo stood aside and said condescendingly: "Chu Wei, you regard yourself as your own Dharma insight, but I think my understanding is the real Tao. I'm willing to debate with you to see if you are really wiser than I am.

Chu Wei remained calm and responded with a smile: "Yu Bo, Buddhism is not measured by debate and self-boasting. Buddhism is a deep and introspective study that requires us to transcend our self-attachment and arrogance. If you want, we can sit down and talk together and learn from each other.

Yu Bo was unwilling to compromise, insisting on debate. So they started a debate, and the words of the argument heated up over time. Hui Zhao watched quietly, watching the argument between the two, and he knew that this was a test for Chu Wei's practice.

In the end, in the heated debate, Yu Bo could not answer Chu Wei's profound questions and fell into trouble. Chu Wei stopped arguing and said slowly: "Yu Bo, Buddhism is not displayed by debate. It is an esoteric discipline that requires inner peace and wisdom. Debates are only superficial arguments that do not truly grasp the profound meaning of the Dharma. I hope you will reflect and find the direction of your practice. "

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Marvel: Did I reveal the plot? - Chapter 160

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