
Marvel: Did I reveal the plot? - Chapter 173

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Marvel: Did I reveal the plot?

Marvel: Did I reveal the plot? - Chapter 173
The students' eyes sparkle with hope, and they know they have a supportive and encouraging team at this school. The class meeting not only strengthened the students' sense of belonging to the school, but also encouraged them to participate more actively in the school and community.

Chu Wei understands that education is not only the transfer of knowledge, but also the care and understanding of students' needs and hopes. His educational philosophy has always been student-centered, and he is committed to nurturing their all-round development and self-confidence. His story continues to be written, creating a better future for more children.

In the days that followed, Wei continued to maintain close contact with the students, constantly encouraging them to actively participate in school and community activities. One of the activities is the school's cultural showcase, where students have the opportunity to showcase their talents and interests.

On the eve of the cultural showcase, Chu Wei gathered participants, including singers, dancers, painters and poets, for a collective discussion.

"Everyone, the cultural showcase is an opportunity to showcase your talents and creativity," Chu Wei encouraged them, "Don't be afraid to express yourself, no matter how big or small your talent is, it is unique." "

The students started sharing their ideas and preparations. One student plans to perform a song of his own composition in the show, another prepares a painting about environmental protection, and another prepares a touching poem.

Chu Wei encouraged them to keep practicing and believe in themselves, while also appreciating and respecting the performance of others. He told them: "The cultural showcase is a team effort, and together we need to support each other and make this event even more exciting." "

The day of cultural showcasing has finally arrived, with students showcasing their talents on stage. The audience applauded enthusiastically and applauded their performance. Chu Wei watched from the audience, proud of the students' confidence and courage.

After the event, Chu Wei celebrated their success with the students. "Today you proved yourselves, you are full of talent and potential," he said. This cultural showcase not only allows us to get to know each other better, but also makes us more united. In

order to comprehensively train students, Chu Wei decided to introduce more physical and exercise activities. He believes that good health is an important part of learning and growth. So, together with the school's physical education teacher, he developed a new exercise program.

"Students," Chu Wei announced at a morning gathering, "from now on, we will strengthen physical exercise, and there will be a period of time every day for physical activities. This will not only help maintain good health, but also improve your learning efficiency and teamwork skills. "

The students are cheering and they can't wait for the new exercise sessions. Chu Wei encouraged them to actively participate, not only to exercise, but also to develop the qualities of discipline and persistence.

After the exercise session began, students participated in a variety of physical activities, including football, basketball, jogging, and yoga. Chu Wei personally participated, exercising with the students, teaching them teamwork and competitive spirit.

"Exercise isn't just about the body," Chu told them, "it's about willpower and perseverance." No matter what career you choose in the future, these qualities will be beneficial to you. "

The students gradually experienced the benefits of exercise and their physical strength and health improved. At the same time, they also learn to work as a team and encourage each other, which allows them to perform better in both study and life.

In order to help students improve their academic standards, Chu Wei decided to strengthen the marking and feedback of assignments. He knew that timely feedback was important for student progress, so he worked with other teachers to develop an effective set of grading and assessment criteria.

At a teacher meeting, Chu Wei discussed with teachers how to mark assignments and how to give targeted advice. He stressed the importance of encouraging students to improve.

"Marking is not just about pointing out mistakes," Chu says, "it's more important to give students advice and guidance to help them improve." We encourage them to face their mistakes and learn from them. "

The teachers responded positively and began to adopt new grading methods. They not only point out students' mistakes, but also provide detailed explanations and suggestions to help students understand the right way to do it. This positive grading method motivates students to work harder to improve their assignments.

Whenever students receive graded assignments, they can't wait to read the teacher's feedback. Sometimes, they also discuss with the teacher how to improve further, and this open dialogue strengthens the connection between teacher and student.

"Teacher, I understand, I'll pay attention next time," one student said while talking to Mr. Chu after class.

"Very good," Chu Wei encouraged, "every mistake is an opportunity to learn, as long as you are willing to improve, you can improve more and more." In

order to create a better learning environment, Chu Wei decided to strengthen the management of classroom discipline. He believes that a disciplined classroom can improve students' learning efficiency and concentration, allowing them to better understand knowledge.

At a class meeting, Chu Wei talked to the students about the importance of classroom discipline.

"Students," he says, "classroom discipline is a sign of respect for others and for yourself. Only in a peaceful environment can we better listen to the teacher's teachings and concentrate on learning. Students

expressed understanding and pledged to work harder to comply with classroom discipline. To help them develop good habits, Chu Wei worked with teachers to create a series of clear rules and posted them on the walls of the classroom.

In the following class, Chu Wei and other teachers remained vigilant to ensure that the students were disciplined. Whenever a student breaks the rules, they are properly reminded and punished, but also given the opportunity to improve.

"Students," Chu Wei said during a class, "please remember that the classroom is a place where we learn together, and let's create a quiet and orderly environment together so that everyone can benefit." Gradually

, the students developed good habits of discipline, the class became more tranquil and the learning atmosphere became stronger. They began to listen more attentively to their teachers, actively participate in class discussions, and achieve better academic results.

Chu Wei's management of classroom discipline also involves interaction and respect among students. He believes that friendly relationships and mutual respect should be established between students to create a harmonious learning atmosphere.

One day, at a class meeting, Chu Wei raised a new topic: "Students, in addition to classroom discipline, we should also pay attention to interpersonal relationships on campus. Kindness and respect are one of our school's core values.

He continued: "Sometimes, we may encounter conflicts or misunderstandings, but most importantly, we learn how to solve problems in a kind and respectful way. Not only will this help us get along well on campus, but it will also help us build stronger relationships in our lives. "

Students began to share their experiences interacting on campus, some talking about the meaning of friendship and some about how to deal with conflicts and arguments. Chu Wei encouraged them to make suggestions and shared some conflict resolution tips.

"Students," he said, "being kind to others is a virtue that not only makes us happier ourselves, but also makes others feel respected." Remember that we can choose how to treat others every day of life, and let's create a warm and friendly school environment together.

The students nodded, they understood the importance of kindness and respect. This class meeting not only enhanced their interaction skills, but also made them cherish friendship and teamwork more. They pledge to continue to follow the school's core values and work together to create a friendly and harmonious campus.

In order for students to have a pleasant day at school, Chu Wei decided to improve the quality of school lunches. He believes that a hearty lunch can provide the energy students need to better focus on their studies and activities.

He worked with the school cafeteria to develop a more varied and nutritious lunch menu. The menu includes a variety of vegetables, proteins and grains to ensure students are getting a balanced diet.

One day, at noon, students lined up in the cafeteria to enjoy a sumptuous lunch. They are attracted by a variety of delicious dishes, with steaming meals exuding a tempting aroma.

"Today's lunch looks so delicious! One student said excitedly.

Chu Wei walks into the cafeteria and eats with the students while they are eating. He sees meals with students as a good opportunity to understand their needs and bring teachers and students closer together.

"Everybody taste it and tell me what you think," he encouraged the students.

The students began to taste the dishes and were full of praise. Some students said they had never tasted such delicious food, while others said that the improved lunch gave them more energy for afternoon classes and activities.

Chu Wei was pleased with the feedback from the students, encouraging them to cherish their food and consume enough nutrients to reach their full potential in school.

After lunch, students are energized and continue their studies and activities. Chu Wei knows that providing nutritious lunches is not only good for students' health, but also helps them better participate in school life. He is determined to continue to improve the school's services and create a better learning environment for students.

In order to further improve the quality of lunch in the school, Chu Wei decided to invite a nutrition expert to give a lecture at the school to educate students about healthy eating.

At a special gathering, Chu introduced the expert and encouraged the students to actively participate.

"Students," he says, "we are very fortunate to have an expert to explain the importance of healthy eating. With the right diet, we can keep our bodies healthy and learn and grow better. "

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Marvel: Did I reveal the plot? - Chapter 173

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