
NBA: Fusion Aomine Daiki at the start - Chapter 65

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NBA: Fusion Aomine Daiki at the start

NBA: Fusion Aomine Daiki at the start - Chapter 65
James also played well in the first half, taking a luxurious statistic of 25 points, 7 rebounds and 8 assists.

Under the huge pressure brought by Zhou Chen, James hammered Richardson, who was the main defender.

Richardson was unusually embarrassed.

The heat's main advantage is Zhou Chen's offensive ability, as long as Zhou Chen takes the ball, he is the biggest threat.

Zhou Chen's explosive score also made the Knights' defense line bitter.

Mo Williams, Deronti West, James, Vallejo, almost everyone encountered a situation in which Zhou Chen was hanged in various ways.

Zhou Chen has too many ways to attack, and he will use different strategies to deal with each different defender.

Then, relying on Zhou Chen's own offensive ability, Zhou Chen also created a lot of empty opportunities for his teammates.

The Heat also had a good grasp of these opportunities, which led to the momentum of the second quarter.

The Cavaliers have always been unable to defend the Heat's offense, and the strategy James chose to deal with the attack was to deal with the attack.

Fortunately, the Cavaliers' overall offense is not bad, which also leads to the point difference not being pulled open.

The Knights have an absolute advantage in height, and as long as they find a way to feed the big Z and O'Neill to the three-second zone, they will soon finish.

Unfortunately, such a round is rare in the first half, and the heat's overall rhythm is fast, that is, it does not give the Cavaliers a chance to fall into the position.

Half-time dressing room.

James mentioned to Coach Brin: "We can't improve the rhythm with the Heat like this, our advantage is in the height, so if we play, we can't play our advantage." "

The Heat have speed guards like Wade and Zhou Chen, and playing fast with the Heat is looking for death.

Cavaliers can't run a whole game, and they can run crazy for an entire game.

Coach Brin didn't refute it, and usually he would think that what James said was what it was.

Coach Brin said: "Then lower the rhythm, don't play fast with them, you control the rhythm in the second half." "

James was frustrated by Coach Brin's arrangement.

He said it in the hope that someone could help him share the burden, but Coach Brin still let him come.

Everything is him, he does these things alone, what do he want his teammates to do?

The game has not been smooth for a long time, and James's face has gradually become gloomy.

James felt that neither the management nor the coaching staff had worked hard enough.

For seven years, seven years, I haven't helped him find a good helper.

James was soft on personal honors, but he was always inferior in championship honors.

This made James very unhappy.

Away dressing room.

"Week, when we finish the series, you must go to the nightclub with us, and I will arrange two girls for you." Joel Anthony said.

"Two is not enough, give him four, this boy is too energetic." Haslem laughed.

Zhou Chen continued to run at high speed like a sports car throughout the first half, their group of veterans ran enough, but Zhou Chen didn't have anything to do.

Beasley and Chamos are also a little tired, even if they are teammates, it is very difficult to keep up with the rhythm of Zhou Chen and Wade.

His teammates blamed Zhou Chen for being too fast, but some of them held him.

Zhou Chen is the hero of the team's advantage, although they consume physical energy, but the team's tactics have been perfectly executed.

"Big legs, good figure, come on as much as I can, and I can bear it." Zhou Chen also laughed.

The second half was quickly played.

This time it was a contest between the two sides' starting lineups.

The Cavaliers' offensive possession.

Seeing James slowly slowing down, Zhou Chen knew that the Cavaliers were going to start playing slowly.

It seems they can't stand it.

You must win when you hit the position?

Zhou Chen would not be easily convinced.

James stood at the top of the arc directing his teammates.

Zhou Chen took the initiative to come and take the lead to defend James.

Zhou Chen's speed and defensive limitations on James are the best.

Coach Spoo was also afraid of James coming out, so he asked Zhou Chen to pestering James.

Zhou Chen was very determined about James' defense of calling for blocking, and he constantly let him go around the block to chase James.

Zhou Chen's speed was too fast, and it was difficult for the demolition people to help James build a wall without moving.

James's blocking and dismantling can never be played, and without blocking and dismantling, James cannot use speed to pass the week.

James immediately split the ball to West, who ran out of space.

West hoisted the ball back to O'Neal on the inside.

O'Neill reacted too slowly, and Biss cut the ball off first.

Zhou Chen immediately turned around and accelerated.

Beasley didn't care either, and directly led Zhou Chen forward to run forward.


Zhou Chen's sports car attributes were filled, continuously accelerating the charge, and receiving the ball when he was a meter away from the three-point line.

James' defense was back on the inside.

Zhou Chen took the ball and pulled it up directly and threw it.

His pace adjusted quickly.

This ball turns the head very firmly.


64 to 55.

Zhou Chen's conversion of three points once again suppressed the momentum of the quick loan center.

"Zhou Chen!"

The DJ reluctantly shouted Zhou Chen's name.

Zhou Chen's name has sounded here too many times.

After completing the conversion goal, Zhou Chen held up a three-point gesture with one hand and constantly shook the defense.

Wade smiled happily, and Zhou Chen was his expected helper.

This season is the Heat's best chance to win the title.

Knight attack.

James and O'Neal finally had a block.

Receiving a pass from James, O'Neal completed the ride.

The old shark carried away Beasley and single-handedly cracked the buckle, revenge for the steal just now.

64 to 57.

Heat offense.

The Cavaliers wanted to press the tempo, but the Heat certainly couldn't get him to please.

The Heat continued to improve the rhythm, and Zhou Chen quickly advanced with the ball.

O'Neill was still in the backfield, and Zhou Chen ran to the front.

Although Zhou Chen was fast, the knight still limited Zhou Chen's chances of attacking immediately, suppressing his speed slightly.

Zhou Chen gave the ball to Wade.

Then Zhou Chen called up his teammates to make a no-ball cover and run again.

At the same time, Wade launched a breakthrough.

Wade's assault was launched at the same time as Zhou Chen's incision, and the knight's inner line contracted sharply.

Wade came to a throw.

The ball flew past the assisting O'Neal palm and headed toward the basket.

It's a pity to smash into the back frame.

There was only one Hickson in the frame.

Just when Hickson thought the ball was going to be won steadily.


Zhou Chen jumped up and took the rebound from Hickson's hand with a faster speed.

Hickson was panicked, he couldn't imagine that Zhou Chen would rush up to grab the offensive rebound so directly.

Zhou Chen took the ball and immediately made a fake move under the basket and lit up Hickson.

Foot adjustment!!

Stagger the rhythm of the board to play the basket.

66 to 57.

Zhou Chen is still rising in personal scoring data like chopping melons and chopping vegetables.

NBA: Fusion Aomine Daiki at the start

NBA: Fusion Aomine Daiki at the start - Chapter 65

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