Lord of the people: I can see the evolution route of generals

Lord of the people: I can see the evolution route of generals [Novels]

Alternative Titles:全民领主:我能看见武将进化路线
Story of: Lord of the people: I can see the evolution route of generals

The spiritual energy revives\, the world changes dramatically\, the world is promoted\, and all races compete for hegemony\. Lu Yuan set foot on the battlefield of thousands of races and obtained the god\-level talent \[Eye of Evolution\]\, which allows you to see the hidden evolution route of generals at a glance\! \[Mulan\+Thunder Blade\+Evolution Crystal\+Shenyin Cloak\, can be advanced to Sword Dancer\] \[Mulan\+Siming\+Mist Cloak\+Shadow Heart\+Broken Star\, can be advanced to Legendary Blade\] \[Mulan\+Broken Army \+ Unknown Signs \+ Dragon Scale Sword \+ Extreme Shadow \+ Burning Wish Agate\, can be advanced to Ruilin\] When all races are still struggling for a general\, Lu Yuan has led countless generals to push across the world\!


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