
Summon the Villain: Marvel - Chapter 108

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Summon the Villain: Marvel

Summon the Villain: Marvel - Chapter 108
Witchcraft, Billy Kaplan's eyes became cold and determined, and his fingers quickly drew a complex rune in the air. As his incantation sounded, a fragment of a dark divine book appeared in his hand, exuding a strong aura of evil.

The environment of the castle suddenly changes, and the four of them are instantly transported to a place full of eerie atmosphere, surrounded by broken tombstones, as if it were a forgotten cemetery. This environment was created by the witchcraft Billy Kaplan using reality magic, combined with the necromantic magic on the fragments of the Dark Divine Book, to create an incredibly terrifying setting.

In this dead and silent cemetery, a large number of dark shadows suddenly appeared, gradually condensed and formed, turning into terrifying necromantic creatures, their faces distorted and their eyes full of ferocity.

"It's the Dark Divine Book!" Wang was shocked, looking at the unfamiliar surroundings around him, and a slightly familiar feeling welled up in his heart. He hesitated in his heart: "There is still a shadow of chaos magic in this, who is

the other party?" But the danger was already approaching, and Wang shouted: "Everyone be careful, the other party is using the necromancy of the Dark Divine Book." At the same time, he immediately unleashed the spell of Emperor Weishan's magic, trying to use his magical power against these necromantic creatures. The aperture in his hand glowed brightly, unleashing powerful magical energy that froze one of the necromantic creatures in place.

Nathan Hawke's face was calm, electricity flickering around him, and he tentatively used his abilities to fight off a necromantic creature. He concentrated, using telekinesis to turn the objects around him into deadly weapons, hurling them at the necromantic creatures.

Kang Ze quickly activated his nano battle armor, the surface of the battle armor flashed with blue energy light, and his vision became clearer. He calmly analyzed the situation, trying to find out the weaknesses of the necromantic creatures and inflicting precision strikes with the weapons of the nano-armor.

And the witchcraft Billy Kaplan stood aside, staring at it all with a cold gaze. He swiped his fingers lightly through the air, and the necromantic creatures obeyed his command and began to attack Wang, Nathan, and Kang in an organized manner.

The king's Vishan Emperor's magic continued to be unleashed, and frost and cold filled the air, constantly freezing the necromantic creatures, but they seemed to have the power of immortality, and they could always reunite in the cold.

Nathan's electric energy flickered, and he used his telekinesis to control the objects around him to attack, and arcs of electricity flew and hit the necromantic creatures, but these creatures also had abnormal stamina and were not knocked down by electric shocks.

Protected by the Nano Warframe, Kang is extremely mobile, and he uses the Warframe's weapons to deliver swift strikes in an attempt to find the weaknesses of the necromantic creatures. But the sheer number of necromantic creatures and the elusiveness of their attacks put Kang under pressure.

The necromantic creatures unleashed by the remnants of the Dark Book of the Sorcerer Billy Kaplan make the scene extremely chaotic and dangerous. Wang, Nathan Hawke, and Kang do everything in their power to try to combat these hostile environments. Nathan Hawke kicked a necromantic creature away, then quickly approached the king's side.

"Why are you using ice-based magic, is it useful against necromancy?" Nathan Hawke asked.

Wang paused slightly, then replied, "I tried to freeze the energy of necromancy with ice-type magic to see if I could pause the opponent's actions, but the effect was not good. However, there is a way to use the purification magic in the Vishandi magic, but it will take some time to cast.

Nathan Hawke smiled with a determined smile and said, "Don't worry, let your spell work, and I'll protect you."

Nathan Hawke began to mobilize his electrical abilities, and the arc of electricity around his body flickered more and more, forming a barrier of electric light, blocking out the surrounding necromantic creatures. His body swiftly shuttled between the necromantic creatures like electricity, sending them flying with punch and kick.

At the same time, the king began to gather the power of Emperor Weishan's magic, he closed his eyes, his hands formed claws, and began to silently chant incantations. Around him, the light began to gather, forming a bright aura that began to spread.

Kang is also trying to share the pressure under the protection of the Nano Warframe, and he uses the Warframe's weapons to deliver swift strikes in an attempt to buy the king more time to cast spells.

Necromantic creatures kept popping up, trying to get closer to King and Nathan Hawke, but Nathan Hawke's electrical barrier kept them out, and King's aura grew stronger.

The light gathered by the king's Weishan Emperor's magic became more and more dazzling, and the surrounding aura became more and more condensed. This purifying power began to spread, gradually repelling the dark energy around the necromantic creatures, causing them to be bound to a certain extent.

However, Billy Kaplan realizes that things are not going well, and he knows that if the king's purification magic is successful, then his plans may be seriously threatened. Without hesitation, he began to chant the special spells in the Dark Godbook, and a strong evil aura permeated.

His fingers sliced through the air with a series of intricate runes, and a purple-black magical energy began to converge, forming a twisted vortex. This magical vortex is filled with dark power, like a giant black hole, devouring the light and breath around it.

"Dark Void, intensify, seize the power of purification, destroy everything!" Billy Kaplan chanted the spell coldly, his voice full of strange power.

At the sound of his incantation, the dark vortex of magic twisted more and more, and began to spread rapidly in the direction of the king. The king sensed an ominous force approaching, and he hurriedly sped up the use of the purifying magic.

At this moment, Nathan Hawke quickly approached the king's side, and the electrical barrier was still firmly holding the necromantic creature out. He stood before the king, a firm determination glinting in his eyes.

The dark magic vortex finally approached King and Nathan, and a hint of smugness flashed in Billy Kaplan's eyes. However, just as the Dark Magic Vortex was about to touch King and Nathan, Nathan suddenly took a step forward, and his flickering fist struck directly at the Dark Vortex.

Darkness mingles with electricity, emitting a piercing howl. The dark magic vortex was struck by the arc of electricity and began to distort and disintegrate, eventually collapsing completely under the onslaught of electrical energy.

Billy Kaplan's expression instantly became hideous, he didn't expect Nathan Hawke to appear at the critical moment and break his dark magic offensive. He then realizes that his plans have been exposed and that action must be taken as soon as possible.

At that moment, the necromantic creature let out a vicious howl and pounced on King and Nathan again. However, the king's Vishan Emperor magic had already achieved some effect, and the necromantic creatures were restrained to a certain extent, and their movements became sluggish.

Nathan Hawk and Wang have teamed up once again to fight against the attacks of the necromantic creatures with a higher level of understanding. Nathan's electric energy flickered in the air, and he used his telekinesis to control the surrounding objects to attack, buying the king more time to cast spells.

Kang, protected by the Nano Warframe, also threw himself into battle, and the weapons of his Nano Warframe emitted a sharp light, accurately hitting the weak points of the necromantic creatures.

As the king's purifying magic continued to gather, the aura around him became brighter and filled with pure power. The king's hands continued to form claws, and a large halo appeared above his head, and the pattern in the halo grew brighter and brighter, like a gate to heaven.

The purified energy finally reached its peak, and the king shouted, "Purify!"

With his shout, the pattern in the aura bloomed with dazzling light, like a huge pillar of light rising into the sky. The pillar of light emitted a faint halo like a waterfall, like a solemn holy light, enveloping the entire cemetery.

The necromantic creatures felt the purifying power and let out a terrible howl, their bodies beginning to dissipate, the dark energy dispelled, and the screams dissolved into nothingness.

The king's purifying spell was successful, and the eerie atmosphere of the graveyard dissipated, replaced by peace and light.

"Handsome, King. Nathan Hawke said happily.

Kang also breathed a sigh of relief, the blue energy on the nano armor gradually weakened, and he smiled and said, "We successfully repelled them.

However, at this point, Billy Kaplan's face became even more gloomy and his plans were seriously disrupted, something he did not expect.

"Damn! Damn! No one can stop me, stop me from wanting to see my mother,"

Billy Kaplan's face turned hideous.

"Determination!" Billy

Kaplan began to chant the incantation again, this time in a deeper voice, filled with darkness and death. His fingers drew an eerie rune in the air, and the air around him began to twist into a dark vortex.

"Dark Void, merge with my power, manifest as demonic power!" Billy Kaplan roared, his voice filled with fervor.

At the sound of his incantation, that dark vortex gradually expanded, forming a black portal from which a strong evil aura poured out. Out of the portal stepped a tall, distorted demonic creature with a gaze filled with fervor and longing.

Demonic creatures poured out of the dark portals, tall and mighty, muscles twisted and distorted, skin as black as charred coal. Its face is chilling, with a pair of sharp horns sticking out of its forehead, like a sign of the devil. The evil eyes shimmered with a deep red glow, full of fanaticism and longing.

The demonic creature's mouth opened to reveal a row of sharp teeth, each as sharp as a dagger. Its arms are long and stout, and the ends of its fingers are forked into sharp claws that can easily tear through anything that stands in its way.

Its body is covered in black skin, but it has many bruises, scars, and twisted patterns on its skin, as if it were the marks left by an evil force on its body. The muscles of the demonic creature exude great strength, and the tendons bulge on its surface, making people feel an irresistible feeling of oppression.

"Billy Kaplan, you play with fire and set yourself on fire!" The king shouted vigilantly.

The demonic creature pounced on the king and the others, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to dodge. Nathan Hawk immediately activated his electrical power, and the arc of electricity flashed around him, forming a barrier of electrical energy in front of the demonic creatures.

Kang Ze quickly adjusted the mode of the nano battle armor and prepared to meet the demon's attack. His nano armor unleashed an even more powerful blue glow, and his weapon was ready.

The demonic creature opened its bloody jaws and let out a terrible roar, and dark magical energy gushed out of its mouth, forming a black energy ray that blasted towards Nathan Hawke's electrical energy barrier.

Nathan Hawk firmly controls the electrical barrier, and the arc bursts out, intertwined with the dark energy rays. The two powerful energies confronted each other, and the scene was extremely intense.

Seeing this, Kang quickly rushed towards the demonic creature, and the weapon of the nano battle armor slashed through an arc of light, and launched a fierce confrontation with the demon. The demon's power was strong, but Kang barely resisted the demon's attack with the power of his nano armor.

Nathan Hawke stepped back to the two of them and said, "I'll deal with Billy Kaplan, and I'll leave this demon to you."

Kang heard Nathan Hawke's words and was about to speak, but suddenly he was shocked, and then said, "No problem.

"Leave it to us. You go and deal with Billy Kaplan. The king looked at the demon creature vigilantly and agreed.

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