
Summon the Villain: Marvel - Chapter 178

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Summon the Villain: Marvel

Summon the Villain: Marvel - Chapter 178
他再次发动闪光速度,身影瞬间消失,仿佛来去无踪。惊奇队长感知到周围的气流变化,她迅速转身,一道金光在她身旁划过,波鲁萨利诺再次闪现在她的背后 。

“你很擅长躲闪,但这不足以逃脱我的追踪 。” 惊奇队长冷静地说道。

波鲁萨利诺微笑着,他突然停下了速度,身体散发出刺眼的金光。惊奇队长看着眼前的波鲁萨利诺,感觉到一股强大的气势压迫而来 。

“好可怕啊 。” 波鲁萨利诺轻声说道,然后他猛地加速,眨眼间来到惊奇队长的身旁,一掌轻拍而出。


波鲁萨利诺的攻击变幻莫测,时而消失在空气中,时而迅猛袭来,他的攻击带着光速的威力,让惊奇队长也感到了一丝压力。而惊奇队长则以强大的肉体素质和能量操控,努力抵挡着对手的进攻 。

“你也是个不简单的家伙 。” 惊奇队长淡然一笑,她的拳头蓄起能量,发出一道金蓝交织的光芒。


同时在避开惊奇队长的攻击时,内心对对手的战斗方式进行了深入思考。他感受到那股金蓝能量的强大,这让他感到一丝不安 。


在他的世界里,光是一种波动,而这位来自平行宇宙的超级英雄似乎能够将光转化为实质的攻击力量。这对于波鲁萨利诺来说,是一种全新的挑战 。


他的身体可以变成光,但这种变化是在保持元素特性的基础上。然而,这金蓝能量仿佛能够触及元素之源,直接影响到了波鲁萨利诺的元素化状态 。

“她的能量可以攻击到我的元素形态,这可不容小觑 。” 波鲁萨利诺心头微微一沉。他以往的战斗经验告诉他,如果不能迅速找到对付这种能量的方法,恐怕会陷入被动。

波鲁萨利诺决定更加仔细观察对手的战斗风格。他注意到,惊奇队长的攻击往往夹杂着金蓝的能量波动,而这种波动似乎是一种极具破坏性的元素能量 。

“她不仅仅是个身手敏捷的战士,她的能量掌握得非常精妙 。” 波鲁萨利诺的眼中闪过一抹警惕。他决定试图观察对手的能量变化,寻找破解之法。

惊奇队长发动了一记能量冲击,波鲁萨利诺灵活地躲过,却注意到对方攻击时金蓝能量波动的微妙变化。他开始逐渐洞察其中的规律,发现对方的能量攻击并非单一,而是变幻莫测 。

“如果能够找到她的能量变化的规律,或许就能够有针对性地进行反击 。” 波鲁萨利诺心生一计。他暗自观察着惊奇队长的每一次攻击,试图捕捉其中的奥秘。





一次次的碰撞中,两者的实力在空中激荡。波鲁萨利诺运用闪闪果实的能力,将自己的身体转化为光影来规避金蓝能量的侵袭。他身体闪烁着强烈的金光,眨眼间消失在惊奇队长的视线中 。



嘶嘶嘶 ......一个黑印印在身体,黑烟散发 。


波鲁萨利诺的笑容中透着一丝玩味,他展开了自己的绝技——八尺琼勾玉。数个光分身光子化后,飞升半空,形成一道耀眼的光芒,如同星空中闪烁的星辰 。




光弹如同烟花一般绽放,向着惊奇队长笼罩而来。她灵活地躲避其中的一部分,但其中一些光弹却穿透了她的护盾,爆发出耀眼的光芒 。







金蓝的能量尾翼如同利剑一般,每一次挥动都伴随着风声呼啸。而波鲁萨利诺则以灵活的身形规避着每一次的攻击,时而变成光影穿越,时而凝聚实质形态躲过 。

“This lady, your attack is not even close. "The corners of Porusalino's mouth were slightly raised. He seemed to be able to do it with ease and showed extraordinary skills in close combat.

Captain Marvel was not frustrated by this, and her eyes flashed with firm determination. She released without mercy. With golden and blue energy, every attack is full of destructiveness. Porusalino is flexible between offense and defense, dodging every attack with his unique tactics.。

“It's so scary. It seems I have to be more serious. "Polusalino's body burst out with intense light again, and he began to release more powerful attacks.。

“boom! ! ! "

Captain Marvel was furious! The golden and blue energy spread instantly!

Porusalino's smile became deeper and deeper during the battle. He seemed to have become a dancer of light and shadow, deftly dodging every attack of Captain Marvel. His figure Sometimes physical, sometimes illusory, light flickered around him, forming a shimmering shield.

Captain Marvel concentrated on chasing his figure. Her golden and blue energy formed a pair of radiant wings, helping her to survive. Flying freely in the air. Every wave brings powerful air waves, tearing the surrounding air apart.。

“You are really a tough guy to deal with. "Porusalino's voice sounded in the illusory light and shadow, and his body once again split into several light clones, like stars in the night sky. In the light and shadow, they

launched an aerial ballet. Porusalino's light clones Turned into streaks of lightning, quickly shuttled through the air, trying to disrupt Captain Marvel's sight. Captain Marvel evaded flexibly, not giving the opponent any opportunity to take advantage of. Suddenly, Porusalino's figure emerged from

a light clone Emerged from it and appeared in front of Captain Marvel. Powerful light condensed in his hand, forming a gleaming long sword.。

“Tian Cong Yun Sword. "Porusalino's voice was full of joking. He quickly waved the lightsaber in his hand and slashed at Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel hurriedly raised his arm, and the golden and blue energy shield formed a solid line of defense, impacting on the shield. , making a harsh impact sound。

“It seems that your energy shield cannot withstand my Tian Cong Yun Sword. "Porusalino smiled proudly, and his offensive became more fierce.

Captain Marvel's heart sank slightly, and she felt the change in Porusalino's attack. His Tian Cong Yun Sword was no longer a simple physical attack. Instead, it carries strong elemental fluctuations, which seem to be able to affect the energy source of Jinlan.。

“Elemental resonance? Captain Marvel's heart moved. She felt an invisible wave. Porusalino's attack seemed to affect her golden and blue energy.

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Summon the Villain: Marvel

Summon the Villain: Marvel - Chapter 178

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