
Summon the Villain: Marvel - Chapter 179

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Summon the Villain: Marvel

Summon the Villain: Marvel - Chapter 179




惊奇队长被打的连连向后退去 。

“我可不能在这里输给你!”惊奇队长咬紧牙关,她的眼中闪烁着坚定的光芒。她的全身金蓝能量瞬间升华,形成了一道璀璨夺目的金色光芒 。


波鲁萨利诺见到惊奇队长释放出更强大的金色光芒后,笑容更加深邃。他知道,这场战斗进入了一个全新的阶段 。


突然间,他的身体开始微微泛起金光,一种奇特的波动在他的身体表面涌动。这是他自然系·闪闪果实的觉醒 。



惊奇队长眼中闪过一丝警觉,她感受到了一股极为强大的能量波动。波鲁萨利诺的身体表面开始产生强烈的光辉,光芒逐渐凝聚成一道梦幻般的光纹,将他整个人包裹其中 。

“这是 ……?”惊奇队长的心头一沉。

波鲁萨利诺的身体迅速扩散出一股难以形容的强大光波,仿佛能够撕裂虚空。他的光芒形成了一个庞大的光球,包裹着整个战场 。





光球直冲而下,金色的光芒在其周围形成一片绚丽的火花。惊奇队长毫不退缩,她的金蓝护甲在光球的冲击下闪烁不定,咬紧牙关却始终坚持着 。


波鲁萨利诺全身散发着刺眼的金光,他的笑容中透露出一丝狂热。光球在他的掌控下,如同一颗巨大的流星,带着毁灭性的力量直冲而下 。



光球与金蓝的能量护甲瞬间碰撞,爆发出一阵强烈的光芒。整个战场仿佛陷入了一片炫目的光海之中,让人难以直视 。



光球的冲击持续了片刻,然后突然停滞,波鲁萨利诺的攻势也随之收敛。整个战场陷入了一片寂静,只有微弱的光芒在空中闪烁 。


然而,就在他得意的时刻,一道金蓝色的闪电瞬间划过天际,速度之快让人难以捕捉。下一刻,惊奇队长已经出现在波鲁萨利诺的身旁,她挥动着一道金光之刃 。


波鲁萨利诺虽然在刚才的攻势中表现得极为强大,但此刻他却感到一股无法忽视的压力。惊奇队长的反击迅猛而凌厉,让他陷入了被动 。



波鲁萨利诺连连躲闪,但仍然无法完全躲避。金光之刃击中他的肩膀,带着剧烈的能量波动,将他的护甲瞬间击溃 。

“这是 ……”波鲁萨利诺瞪大了眼睛,他感受到了一股不同寻常的力量,金光之刃的能量似乎能够直接影响到他的身体 。

“这就是我最后的必杀!”全身撕裂着金蓝光芒的惊奇队长的声音在他耳边响起,她并没有给波鲁萨利诺喘息的机会,金光之刃再次劈向他的要害 。


波鲁萨利诺自嘲了一句 。


波鲁萨利诺眼神一狠,咬牙切齿,他全身光芒疯狂涌动,似乎要引爆一般。他的身体开始发生异变。光芒迅速收束,聚集在他的手掌之间,形成了一柄闪烁着金蓝之光的巨大光剑 。



光剑·极煌的威能远超波鲁萨利诺之前的攻击,金蓝之光划破夜空,仿佛星辰陨落。波鲁萨利诺的笑容中透着一丝狂热,他全身的光芒融合在光剑中,形成了一道极为恐怖的攻击 。


惊奇队长感受到了一股强烈的压迫感,她全力释放金蓝能量,形成一道坚不可摧的金色护盾。然而,在光剑·极煌的轰击下,金色护盾竟然开始崩溃 。


光剑的冲击力越来越强,金色护盾岌岌可危。惊奇队长感受到了生命的威胁,她决定全力反击 。

“I can't lose here! "Captain Marvel's eyes flashed with determination, and the golden-blue energy in her body sublimated again, forming a blazing golden flame. The collision of the golden

flame and the lightsaber Jihuang made a thunderous roar, and the air was filled with a A strong wave of energy. The entire battlefield seemed to have fallen into a scene of doomsday, with light and flames complementing each other, shrouding everything in a scorching glow.。

“That's all your power is. "Porusalino's voice rang out in the light. He was still not at a disadvantage against the golden flame's lightsaber, Jihuang. His offensive became more and more fierce, as if he was going to turn everything into ashes. Captain Marvel felt the golden blue

. As the flames gradually receded, she knew that her situation was becoming more and more dangerous. She no longer flinched and fought with all her strength.。

“This battle is not over yet! "Captain Marvel's voice resounded throughout the battlefield, and her body turned into a golden light and rushed forward.。

“No matter what, I can't let these crazy guys wreak havoc on the parallel world! "A firm will surged in Captain Marvel's heart, and she decided to defeat Porusalino. The

golden flame was rekindled, and Captain Marvel's offensive became more fierce. Her punches touched the flesh, and the golden and blue energy was like thunder. Each swing brought a strong wave of air.

Porusalino felt the stronger pressure from Captain Marvel, and the power of the lightsaber Brilliance was gradually suppressed. His smile gradually faded, replaced by a trace of serious。


“He was actually willing to accept such magic. "Wang frowned as he looked at the battle above.。

“Master Wang, what is going on? "The invisible man who was sent by Zhan Ji Lingma to the sanctuary to look for Ancient One, but could not find him, asked the invisible man who could only find the king.

A flash of worry flashed in the king's eyes. He took a deep breath and replied in a heavy tone: "This is A very powerful magic, but also extremely dangerous. When faced with an extreme threat, this woman forcibly overdrawn her psychic energy, triggering a powerful burst of magic. He

pointed his finger in the air, as if pointing at Captain Marvel who was fighting fiercely: "Her magic is an unusual power that can trigger powerful energy fluctuations with the help of the power of the mind." But this kind of magic is not without cost. While overdrawing her spiritual energy, she also suffered huge side effects. "

The invisible man was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that this seemingly powerful magic would have such huge side effects.。

“The essence of this kind of magic is to go against the will of heaven and forcefully break through one's own limits in order to gain greater power. However, doing so will cause irreversible damage to the user's body and mind. Wang continued to explain, "This lady's power is gradually being depleted. If she cannot control it well, it may eventually lead to her complete exhaustion of power." "

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